Visual Diary


My alarm shrills at 8:45am before I manage to silence it. I roll over in bed to a furry face staring right at me--sitting on top of a notebook full of homework. A trill and a meow escape this furry devil before he headbutts my arm--the MoMo alarm has no sleep button. It's hard to wake up on the wrong side of the bed when this cute bundle of love refuses to move until he has properly snuggled me awake. This happens every morning. On the weekends, instead of first waking to a shrill and annoying alarm, he decides when it is time for us to get out of bed. Purrs and trills are the sounds that waken my husband and I, his silky smooth paws batting our faces. This picture makes me think of how much my husband and I love MoMo, how unique of an animal he is, and how much of a personality he has. I don't think I'd love him as much if he didn't have weird quirks like only drinking from a solo cup or a Halloween cauldron or how he thinks his bowl is empty even though he actually just shoved everything to the sides, and he can see a spot without food in it. John and I discussed from day one never wanting to have kids, and I still hold to that. I'm not sure what we would ever do if MoMo ever died or disappeared (he is supposed to have a good 18 years left on him, so yay!). We have discussed having him cloned. He is the perfect stress reliever and reminds me to take life a little less seriously once in a while.

My husband and I start every Friday by going to eat somewhere for breakfast. On this morning, we went to the Goose Feathers Express Cafe and Bakery. It was the first time eating there, and though the ambiance could have been better, they definitely have amazing food! This is a symbol for the relationship between my husband and I--we try to find ways to spend time together every day. With both of us in school and at work, it's hard to feel like we really get to hang out and just talk about our lives. A friend of mine used to believe that living together seemed to be good enough--we go to bed together and spend all night together, right? Not really.  Sleeping in the same bed is the only way I am able to sleep at all. . . but in a normal life, as husband and wife, we rely on a good night's sleep to stay sane during the day. This makes me want more time with the love of my life. . . unimpeded time. And a place to eat that doesn't have screaming babies, but with food just as yummy.

Traffic on Abercorn, the bane of my existence. This photo doesn't quite depict the amount of traffic I deal with every day, but the symbol is there: I despise traffic. I'm from a town of 8000 people--traffic of any kind is rare. Being new to Savannah, I don't know the way around Abercorn in order to get to AASU--yet. I've heard there is a better way, I just have to take the time to find it. This image reminds me that I haven't quite found a niche or a home yet in Savannah, but I'm still looking. My husband tells me it is just a matter of where I drive and where we currently live. I know this town is beautiful. . . I just want to live in the parts that emanate that calm beauty.

I end the day on a relaxing note--playing Farmville 2 is almost as relaxing as drinking a class of Moscato wine. This doesn't make me think of much else--which is the point. It isn't inspiring, it isn't anything but a bunch of cute animals and crops I plant in order to earn money. I may be broke in real live, but I've got thousands in the bank in this virtual world.

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