Saturday, February 23, 2013

Self Relection Week 7

We have hit the end of our first major project--the Documentary Profile. I'm not totally thrilled with how our film "the Playground Pimp" went, but it was a great learning experience. I know now how risky it is to work with a subject so young (a 2 year old in this case), and am glad I had a team of people willing to do what it took to get the assignment done in a half decent fashion. It's hard to work on something like a film when everyone has minimal to no experience, but everyone did what they could. While I did the filming, producing, and editing, James worked on the script and directing, Carter acted and was the grip, and Angel and Radiance did a good job fawning over our subject for the film. It wasn't as hard to edit as I thought it was going to be, but I also could have done a much better job. There was definitely room for improvement on the camera angles, and I will see what I can do to improve this next project. Again, definitely a great learning experience.

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