Sunday, January 20, 2013

Self Reflection Week 2

This week I focused on writing out an interview for those I hope to write about for my documentary piece, as well as finishing my movie review for the week. I'm also in the midst of working on my Time of Day project, as well as looking ahead to finishing my media survey in the next few days. While I do have questions on the Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down assignment, I'll be emailing my professor soon to look for some answers. I'm finding it more difficult than I would have imagined, maintaining a weekly blog post, not to mention keeping up with the reading for this class as well as the several other assignments tasked us (on top of the other classes I have homework for). Perhaps I'm allowing my lazy side to emerge too often these days.

As far as difficulties...not only is it hard for me to keep up with the weekly blog (tsk tsk lazy me), but I am finding it hard to keep my writing to a minimum in the reviews. I literally could write pages about this last one--the Tudors. There is so much I left out, I feel like I haven't properly reviewed it at all. But the longer the blog post became, I started to wonder: how do movie reviewers do it? How do they keep the word count down and yet maintain a feeling of completion? That will be something I definitely need to work on in the well as being able to keep to a deadline!

I still worry and hope for the collaborative projects coming up. All in all, it has been an interesting week. Can't wait for class on Friday.

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